The Tried and Truth Podcast with Annica Fischer
It‘s time to break free from all that is holding you back and move towards the thriving life you so desire. All dream-chasers, goal-setters, entrepreneurs, abundance seekers, and everyday people tired of trying to do it all the hard way (and doing it alone), YOU are welcome here! Join us each week as we sit down with experts, mentors, entrepreneurs, and people ”in the trenches” to share their secrets to success, life lessons, and so much more! With over a decade of work in leadership, coaching/consulting, and experience training thousands of people, Annica also shares simple and actionable tips and strategies to help you break through barriers so you, too, can make your time, energy, and work count! You‘ll walk away inspired, encouraged, and equipped to simplify your life and business, chase what matters, and embrace a happier, more ”successful” you. Follow and connect on Instagram @ANNICAFISCHER Work with Annica @
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
4 Quick Tips to Do More of What You Love
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Truth be told, when it comes to doing the things that make you happy, it’s not just about you. Whether it be at work, at home, or in your community, people around you like it when you’re happier, too. In this episode, I’m sharing 4 quick tips that are so simple, you can welcome more joy and happiness into your life starting today.
If you're just tuning in, welcome! I'm Annica and I’m on a mission to build a community around simple truths, life and business secrets, and everything in between...To uncomplicate the learning experience, keep us all growing, inspired, leading more fulfilling lives, and doing more meaningful work! You can find me on instagram - IG@annicafischer. I'd love to learn more about your story - send me a DM! You can also find me @ www.beawesomecompany.comis
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Becoming Strong and Capable with Brigette Heller
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Join me this week as we sit down with Brigette Heller of The Strong and Capable to talk the honest truths about what it means to be strong, the power behind claiming who you are, how to “choose” your best self, unpacking boundaries, blooming where you want to be planted, and more. She’s also sharing her powerful story behind her brand and practical tips she personally uses and shares with her AWAKE community to help us wake up to more in our own lives.
You can check out Brigette’s work and programs at You can also check out her podcast - The Strong and Capable, where she shares insights on how to love that girl in the mirror and invites others to share their personal victory stories to self acceptance, love and faith.
If you're just tuning in, welcome! I'm Annica and I’m on a mission to build a community around simple truths, life and business secrets, and everything in between...To uncomplicate the learning experience, keep us all growing, inspired, leading more fulfilling lives, and doing more meaningful work! You can find me on instagram - IG@annicafischer. I'd love to learn more about your story - send me a DM!
You can also find me @
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
5 Questions to Refocus and Re-Engage You in Your Life
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
In this short and sweet episode, we’re zooming out of your life and looking in. I’m sharing 5 questions to ask yourself today (and answer honestly) that will help you re-engage, recalibrate, reset, and recommit to what is important as you step back into the daily grind.
If you're feeling a little stuck, disengaged, lacking clarity, disconnected, or overwhelmed at times, let this episode help you refocus and keep moving.
If you're just tuning in, welcome! I'm Annica and I’m on a mission to build a community around simple truths, life and business secrets, and everything in between...To uncomplicate the learning experience, keep us all growing, inspired, leading more fulfilling lives, and doing more meaningful work! You can find me on instagram - IG@annicafischer. I'd love to learn more about your story - send me a DM!
You can also find me @
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Finding Your True North: Shifting Your Perspective on How it's Done
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Do you know at what point in your life you stopped adding your spark to life? At what point you started believing that the only way to do it is the way you’ve seen others do it? That the only to win is to win the way that others have won? What if instead you could restore your thinking and shift your perspective on “how” things are done? What if you added your spark back to the world and paved a path that both helped pave a way for others AND helped you welcome “more” into your life?
If you ever find yourself frustrated, feeling like you're not following THE path, or feeling like you've lost the map, this episode will remind you of the truth in “YOUR” path.
If you're just tuning in, welcome! I'm Annica and I’m on a mission to build a community around simple truths, life and business secrets, and everything in between...To uncomplicate the learning experience, keep us all growing, inspired, leading more fulfilling lives, and doing more meaningful work! You can find me on instagram - IG@annicafischer. I'd love to learn more about your story - send me a DM!
You can also find me @
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Cultivating Greater Awareness with Guest Expert and Executive Coach (John Krajicek)
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Today, we're sitting down with Executive Coach, John Krajicek, to talk mastering greater awareness in your life, improving your presence, acknowledging emotions, and what we can all learn from guitars on a wall. In this episode, John shares practical meditation tips, how to's and why’s around greater self-awareness, secrets to public speaking, how to have a both/and life, and making space for the things you love.
John Krajicek is an Emotional Intelligence & Mindfulness based coach & retired Executive Professor for Texas A&M University. John has coached thousands of professionals on communication skills, self-awareness, emotional & social intelligence, and professional presence. John is also a musician, artist, meditation teacher, and a dynamic and entertaining speaker. You can find John's work at and his music at
If you're just tuning in, welcome! I'm Annica and I’m on a mission to build a community around simple truths, life and business secrets, and everything in between...To uncomplicate the learning experience, keep us all growing, inspired, leading more fulfilling lives, and doing more meaningful work! You can find me on instagram - IG@annicafischer. I'd love to learn more about your story - send me a DM!
You can also find me @
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Affirmation, Approval, and Validation: The Search that Holds You Back
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Why are we all addicted to seeking affirmations, validation, and approval from everyone and for everything. Why do we feel like we need to be loved by all, our work liked by all, and that everyone must take notice of all that we do? Why do we let people, jobs, titles, comments, conversations, posts, and pictures define and affirm us?
The truth is we've gotten so much of this wrong and we've given others far too much power over what we do, how we do it, why we do it, what we create, what we share, and what we become. Let this episode serve as your check-up for where you’re looking, why you’re looking, and what really matters.
If you're just tuning in, welcome! I'm Annica and I’m on a mission to build a community around simple truths, life and business secrets, and everything in between...To uncomplicate the learning experience, keep us all growing, inspired, leading more fulfilling lives, and doing more meaningful work! You can find me on instagram - IG@annicafischer. I'd love to learn more about your story - send me a DM!
You can also find me @
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
4 Questions to Help You Become a "Creature of (Better) Habits"
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
We’ve all filled our lives with habits and have more autopilot moments than we can often count. You’re definitely not alone in that! Today, we’re stepping back for a second and looking into your habits - both the good and the bad. I’ve got 4 simple and quick questions that are going to help you identify, reset, and rebuild (successfully!) your habits and help us all become “creatures of (BETTER) habits”. Our lives could all use more intention, less regrets, right?!
If you're just tuning in, welcome! I'm Annica and I’m on a mission to build a community around simple truths, life and business secrets, and everything in between...To uncomplicate the learning experience, keep us all growing, leading more fulfilling lives, and doing more meaningful work! You can find me on instagram - IG@annicafischer. I'd love to learn more about your story - send me a DM!
You can also find me @
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
UNBURDENED: Essential Tips to Live How You Should Be Living (but Aren't)
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
We’re all carrying burdens around that DON’T need to be carried (or carried by us for that matter!). We weigh our lives down unnecessarily and self-impose so many of our own burdens. The truth is, however, that we’re not made to live burdened lives, but rather to live UNBURDENED. Let today be day one to less burden, more living!
In this episode, I’m challenging you to identify, call out, and release the “burdens” in your life so you can live fuller, feel more alive, and free up space in your mind and life to think, do, create, and be. We’ll talk money, stress, to-do lists, lifestyle, false realities, kids, and other people’s problems.
If you're just tuning in, welcome! I'm Annica and I’m on a mission to build a community around simple truths, life and business secrets, and everything in between...To uncomplicate the learning experience, keep us all growing, leading more fulfilling lives, and doing more meaningful work! You can find me on instagram - IG@annicafischer. I'd love to learn more about your story - send me a DM!
You can also find me @
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
An Honest Chat with an OBGYN: Trends, Changes, and Truths
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
This episode we're sitting down with Dr. Kathleen Cammack, practicing Ob/Gyn in Fort Worth, Texas, and also a busy mom of three! She shares trends she's seeing in women mid/post pandemic and tackling questions (with honest answers!) about anxiety, depression, and her tips on how she navigates the business of life to make time for things that matter most.
Here's a're not alone in those ups and downs. We're all in this together!
If you're just tuning in, welcome! I'm Annica and I’m on a mission to build a community around simple truths, life and business secrets, and everything in between...To uncomplicate the learning experience, keep us all growing, and doing more meaningful work! You can find me on instagram - IG@annicafischer. I'd love to learn more about your story - send me a DM!
You can also find me @
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
"No One" Has It Figured Out: How to Stop Living Like They Do
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
News flash...NO ONE has it figured it out. Everyone is winging it - you are, I am, they are! Yet, as we look around, we find ourselves feeling like we're behind, as if everyone's life appears to be put together, and as if they have it all figured out.
In this episode, I'm shedding light on how everyone is learning as they go, failing as they go, and growing through it. I'll share my secret to not being afraid of public speaking and help you become more confident in your daily life. Because the truth one (not even that person you REALLY look up to) has it figured out and guess what?!...There's freedom in that!
About the Podcast
Annica has set out to bring you actionable secrets to success to help you breakthrough barriers and build a successful life around the things you love. If you’re ready to grow in your confidence, step into clarity, show up better for the people who matter most, and put YOUR time and energy where it counts, you’re in the right place!
She keeps things simple. She tells you what you need to know from LIFE to BUSINESS (and everything in between!), what people wished they'd known , AND will keep you grounded in what TRULY matters.
Annica has spent more than a decade in leadership development, coaching, and consulting. She’s trained thousands of leaders, physicians, and teams on everything needed to build value for themselves and others. Her belief that what you see on the outside (what you "experience") is the byproduct of "inside" work in any area of your life. She currently writes and hosts a podcast, The Tried and Truth Podcast, that serves as a platform to equip others to lead and thrive (at home and at work) through simple truths, real conversations, practical mentorship, and inspiring stories. You can find her at